When someone completely disappears, social networks and internet searches are not enough. When a company or individual needs to trace and recover assets, appointing a specialist forensic accountant with global experience can help you move quickly and legally. Our company includes a licensed and professional team in the field of services we provide. During the property investigation, our team of highly experienced private investigators will locate the property of a particular entity. Such claims are often used during litigation or divorce, so if the subject in question is trying to hide assets or resources, the evidence will be able to prove that they exist. If you believe that you or your company have been defrauded, you can use civil proceedings to seek to regain what has been wrongly taken. Asset tracing and recovery is the name of the legal process used to find and recover those assets. It’s a service that is in demand, due to the growth of e-commerce, the increase in domestic and international trade, and current economic pressures. However, before launching a tracing and recovery investigation, it’s vital you get specialist advice and follow the correct procedures to ensure the safe recovery of your asset.
There are many reasons why you or your business might need to recover assets. Perhaps a supplier owes you money or has gone into insolvency, there’s been a corporate theft or fraud, or you’re seeking a fair appraisal of a partner’s assets in a divorce. In these cases and more, forensic accountants can help you trace and recover assets that are rightfully yours as part of a financial investigation. Before you can recover assets, first you must locate them. We locate things like bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, land, businesses, vehicles, and more. Our chief asset researcher has over 200 years of experience. Over the years, he has been up to date with all the changes regarding the monitoring of bank funds and much more. We also subscribe to databases that are only available to license private investigators and law enforcement detectives.
Assets may have been spent, sold, placed in another person’s name, or moved across borders. Traceable assets are wide-ranging and can include real estate and other businesses, moveable possessions such as cars, yachts, and airplanes, as well as financial resources such as stocks and shares, undeclared bank accounts, and cash. Tracing these assets is highly specialist work, that requires legal and financial experts to untangle the web of transactions to trace their origin and final destination. It’s complicated, time-consuming, and potentially expensive.
While it can be tempting for companies or individuals to cut corners and attempt to trace assets themselves, this is extremely risky as you need to act in a legally compliant way.
In the case of assets moving across borders, it can be a tightrope walk dealing with the various countries’ legal systems. We have an experienced network of global lawyers to ensure all the necessary and legally-sufficient steps are taken to identify, freeze and recover misappropriated assets wherever they end up.
Do you have a verdict against someone in Switzerland?
People often get judgments and never collect. Hire an experienced private detective in Switzerland who will conduct appropriate searches to locate the property on which you can collect. Fees included in property searches and hidden assets can often be added to a judgment. Talk about it with your lawyer. In Switzerland, we can find things such as real estate where the Entity resides, bank account information, stocks, brokerage account information, hidden assets, and companies registered in Switzerland under the Entity name.
Property investigation in Switzerland
The aim of the property investigation is to locate funds in the name of the Entity living in Switzerland in order to obtain what is rightfully yours.
This could consist of:
· Divorce setting
· Personal lawsuit
· Property search for businesses
· Procedures for child support
· Personal injury lawsuits
We are launching searches of databases at the national level that are only available to law enforcement and private investigators to locate information on the subject's residence history, as well as close relatives. We are looking for real estate, hidden bank accounts, hidden investment accounts, and other things that your lawyer can decorate.
Investigations of property in Switzerland may include, but are not limited to:
· A detailed search of real estate
· Information on mortgages and loans
· National Deed Searches
· Vehicles
· Search bank and investment accounts
· Hidden asset searches
· Searches of investment accounts at the national level
· Business searches
· Bankruptcies
· UCC Filings
· Federal Tax Stock
· State tax stock
· Creditor Searches
· Judgments
Talk to a private investigator
It is important to use a licensed, reputable private investigator who specializes in locating
a property. Our team has been locating assets for decades so we have the skills and resources
to provide you with the information you need. If you need an investigator for Swiss property research services, do not hesitate to contact us. Discreet services are there to help you with your case and are ready to talk to you during a free consultation. Feel free to contact us via
our online consultation form or simply WhatsApp + 41-44-586-60-33
Private Investigator Switzerland
Schaffhauserstrasse 550., Postfach,
CH-8050 Zürich